
The Mysterious Moons Of Mars

Mars is a true Wonderland world that has sung its enticing Sirens’ song for centuries to those who seek to solve its many mysteries. Indeed, the two moons of Mars, named Phobos and Deimos, present some mesmerizing mysteries all their own. Where did the two moons of Mars come from?

Exoplanets: The Trappist-1 System

At approximately 40 light-years from our planet–or 235 trillion miles away–there are seven newly discovered, rocky alien worlds that are nevertheless considered to be our near neighbors in Space. This richly endowed “nearby” planetary system, that has been named TRAPPIST-1, for The Transiting Planets and Planetesimals Small Telescope (TRAPPIST) in Chile

A Ninth Planet In Our Solar System: But It’s Not Pluto

There is new evidence indicating the existence of a giant planet tracing a highly elongated orbit in the outer limits of our Solar System. This putative ninth major planet, which the scientists have dubbed “Planet Nine”, sports an impressive mass of approximately ten times that of Earth–and it circles our Star about 20 times farther out on average than does Neptune–which circles our Sun at an average distance of 2.8 billion miles

The Mystery Of The Galaxies That Shouldn’t Be There

Astronomers have wondered for decades how long it took for the islands of fiery, sparkling stars, that we call galaxies, to emerge out of the primeval darkness after the Big Bang birth of the Universe almost 14 billion years ago. In May 2017, a team of astronomers announced that they may have solved this nagging cosmic riddle when they discovered a new kind of galaxy haunting the ancient Universe less than a billion years after the Big Bang. These primordial galaxies are seen giving birth to new glittering baby stars more than a hundred times faster than our own Milky Way Galaxy is today. This important discovery could explain a mysterious earlier finding–that a population of surprisingly massive galaxies danced in the Cosmos only 1.5 billion years after its birth.