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What are the metals used in coins? Gold and silver are no longer used and the cheaper metals alloys used have also been changing.

How to shuffle a deck of cards for card games in Flutter/Dart:

If you have come to C# via Visual Basic then you may be missing the useful string functions of Left, Right and Mid.

If you need to make sure that the current URL goes to HTTPS, then call this function.

Counting words in a string - simple method using C#

Ransomware is on the increase and is a major threat to both large and small companies. Ransomware can cripple your business and cost thousands or millions to rectify.

bcrypt is a popular JavaScript library generally used to hash plain text passwords.

No matter how great your product is and how convinced you are that it will help your customers. It will all come to nothing if you can't convince them to click on the 'BUY' button.

There are two models that provide a framework for writing an integrated digital marketing plan. The first is called SOSTAC® planning model, the second model is Forrester's POST method.

Entrepreneurship needs unswerving discipline, and confidence in yourself and your business. For the few who are determined and ready to put in the hard work, entrepreneurship is the most fulfilling job, identity and lifestyle in the world.

In January 2020 the first planet to be found by NASA's Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) was a distant Earth-size planet, comfortably located in its star's habitable zone The habitable zone of a star is that "Goldilocks" range of distances where conditions are not too hot, not too cold, but "just right" for liquid water to pool on the surface. Where liquid water exists, life as we know it may also exist.

Is the Big Bang correct? What is the early universe could have been comprised of nothing but dark matter? There was no free energy, no nothing, not even gravity because, since nothing existed there was nothing to experience gravity.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its subsets Machine Learning (ML) and Deep Learning (DL) are playing a major role in Data Science. Data Science is a comprehensive process that involves pre-processing, analysis, visualization and prediction.

C# code to Get a Random Name for Test Purposes. Good for populating test records. Extend it for Firstnames, Surnames and job titles, etc.
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