How to shuffle a deck of cards for card games in Flutter/Dart

How to shuffle a deck of cards for card games in Flutter/Dart:


How to shuffle a deck of cards for card games in Flutter/Dart:

import 'dart:math';

void shuffleCards() {
  // create a deck of cards
  // we'll use a list of integer 0..51 to represent the deck
  // In practice define a PlayingCard class and make a list of that

  List<int> card = new List.filled(52, 0);

  // initialise deck of cards. Set the cards as 0-51 which can represent C2 to SA

  for (int i = 0; i < 52; i++) {
    card[i] = i;

  // Fast deck-swap shuffle. Generate a random number and swap contents with that element
  // This way we'll make 52 swops only. It's good enough for card games.

  Random autoRand = new Random();

  for (int i = 0; i < 52; i++) {
    int randomCard = autoRand.nextInt(52);
    int temp = card[i];
    card[i] = card[randomCard];
    card[randomCard] = temp;

  // cards are now shuffled