
Kanban in a Nutshell

Kanban is an approach to incremental, evolutionary process and systems change for organizations. It uses a work-in-progress limited pull system as the core mechanism to expose system operation (or process) problems and stimulate collaboration to continuously improve the system.

Why Company Culture Matters

Company Culture can be a very big factor in the success of a company. Employees are not only happier but become more efficient, take less time off, stay longer (i.e. less staff turnover) and generally contribute more. This leads to improved products and services, more profitability and generally a better company.

Work Smarter, Not Harder

We’ve probably all heard the expression “Work Smarter, Not Harder”, but it’s sometimes not as easy as that, especially when you are snowed under with loads of small jobs. So here’s a little infographic giving a few tips on work hacks which may help reduce the stress of your daily workload.