Article Writing: 5 Important Factors For Peak Performance
A really great article can increase the traffic flow to your website. Your article focus should give attention to these 5 factors: Keywords, Title, Introduction, Body and Conclusion.

Article Writing – 5 Important Factors For Peak Performance
By Peter Mangini
1. Keywords
When most people enter a word or phrase into the search bar in their browser, they are most likely using either the Google, Bing or Yahoo search bars. The results of their query will bring the search engines best matches for the person.
The goal or ideal situation will be to find the articles on the first search engine results pages, or SERPs, for the keywords and subjects that are relevant to the content in that post. The first 3-5 keywords in the post will get a higher priority from the search engines.
It’s a great idea to use a keyword tool. I think that the Free Google Webmaster Keyword Tool and the Jaaxy Keyword Tool, which has a free starter plan, are both awesome and I highly recommend them.
2. Title
Did you know that up to 95% of the article, post, or book success can be determined by the first 3-5 words in the title? Wow, that sounds like a really interesting and important factor to keep in mind, I’m sure you agree. A lot is determined simply by whether the piece sells, the demand or purchasing of the work. So choosing the title is not to be taken lightly, create keyword rich titles that match the most commonly searched keywords for your topics, for best results with your articles, eBooks, etc.
Your article marketing strategy can be maximized simply by understanding keywords and how to create smart titles. These titles that are closely matched to word phrases entered into the search bars on a daily basis. You can draw or attract lots of targeted traffic to your articles and website by understanding how the search engines work.
3. The Introduction or Summary
The purpose of your article summary is to lead an interested reader to check out the rest of your article. Start out by letting your audience know the benefits they will receive when they read your article.
The length of your article introduction should be somewhere between 3-8 sentences or about 2 paragraphs in length. Add a few keywords related to your article title within those few sentences.
With each post written, be sure to target your intended viewers and speak directly to them. Let them know that your article is written for their benefit and they should read the whole page.
There’s no need to make the summary any more than 5-8 sentences, nor should you repeat the author name in the introduction. Don’t try to promote yourself or your business by adding a link or your URL address. All of these things, including email address, can be added at the end of the article. Don’t put the title of the article in the 3-8 sentence summary either.
4. The Article Body
Choose a Font and letter size that you like, one that’s easy to read with enough white space between lines and paragraphs. You can break your article down into an eye-pleasing, easy reading style, maybe with a numbered list or bullet points.
Share your expert strategies, tips, and knowledge. Your website should be filled up with quality posts or articles, relevant and useful for those searching for up to date information on the topics of your site.
Draw the reader to want more and to click on your site URL where there is a lot more relative information. Some will be persuaded to answer a call to action or even to make a purchase.
Put links in the end or conclusion of the article and draw readers to your website or to an affiliate site.
It’s not a good practice to promote your own site in the article body. The content should be in a manner that doesn’t sound spammy. Save the links and self-promotion for the end.
Most website owners and publishers will not republish a self-promoting article and I’m sure that we all want as much exposure and circulation as we can get. It’s always best to fill up the article body with great quality content in a way that gives the reader something that answers their search entry.
The article body should show your expert experience, knowledge, how to info, and or advice. When writing the article always provide up-to-date, relevant, useful information with your readers and continuously build up your niche authority and trust.
Remember to bear in mind the article title and be sure to stay on subject.
Always make it a point to keep the reader in mind and speak to them in your writing.
Also, remember to fit in your pre-chosen keywords at least a few times throughout the article body in a way that doesn’t make the article sound unnatural.
5. Conclusion
This is how to close out or conclude the article and greatly increase traffic to your site:
Wrap up the post by making a few closing points within about a single paragraph, or a few sentences and lead the reader to your offer.
Be sure that your readers know that the article is written by an individual person. That alone will cause many to click on your site URL and check out your profile.
Sum up your offer, or unique selling proposition (USP) in one-three sentences and reach out and encourage the reader to visit your website or offer. Tell the reader to enter their name and email address or make a purchase and leave a valid URL address: <a target=”_blank” rel=”nofollow” href=””></a>. Don’t hide the URL address in a word or anchor text. Using the full address will ensure that the link will remain active when a publisher uses your article.
Article marketing is a great way to improve your writing skills because of the volume of the content that you produce. So then, your writing skills will improve and continuously draw readers to your site to review and share the content found there.
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Article Source: Article Writing – 5 Important Factors For Peak Performance